Our farm and farm products

Our farm covers an area of about 15 hectares surrounding the "Fondaccio" agriturismo and consists of vineyards, olive groves, sowable land, vegetable crops and fruit trees, in varying proportions. The farm has produced wine and oil since the early 50s and was taken over by our family, the Falzari family, in 1991. Today the farm is run exclusively by brothers Sergio and Roberto Falzari. Sergio is in charge of all aspects regarding wine production, soil management and crop production; he experiments and researches biodynamic production methods in these areas, with the aim of achieving a harmonious and lively relationship with the plant kingdom. In general, Roberto takes care of the technical aspects involved in running the farm and of the research and application of renewable sources of energy. In particular he takes care of all activities relating to the agriturismo, which is also considered a way of spreading knowledge of sustainable, intelligent agriculture. In the 90s we decided to begin the process of changing from conventional crop-growing methods to forms of agriculture which are aimed at preserving the integrity and vitality of the land ( see Council Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92 of 30 June 1992 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside). Thanks to our growing eagerness to create the best conditions for protecting and improving the health of the land, the plants and the crops harvested, and our wish to preserve the fundamental biodiversity for the continuation and protection of life in general, in 2004 we began our conversion to organic agricultural methods. In 2007 we obtained the certification "wine from organic agriculture". In spring the same year, we began to apply and experiment biodynamic agricultural methods. With this type of agriculture, the various crop-growing tasks are carried out following the lunar and planetary phases and soil is revitalized using special biodynamic preparations made exclusively from natural substances (for example cattle horn, quartz, oak bark and various plants). Our wine is produced by natural fermentation, in other words without any added yeasts or nutrients. The aim of our research is to combine modern agronomic methods and technology with antique wine-making skills. In the knowledge that plants are both sensitive and intelligent, our aim is to understand and satisfy their needs in order to ensure vigorous, balanced growth and harmony with man and nature. Our vineyards are south and south-west facing and consist of two different plantations. The first, which covers an areas of about two hectares, was created in 1978 and produces Sangiovese and, to a minor extent, Canaiolo grapes. The second plantation covers about three hectares: this was created in 2003 and produces Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grape varieties.
For our olive oil production we have about 1300 olive trees in two separately located olive groves. The olive grove with the older plants, south/south-west facing, has several different varieties (cultivar). Beside the classic Tuscan varieties (moraiolo, leccio and frantoio), we also have the grappolo variety, which takes its name from its characteristic bunch-like growth of the olives and the mignolo or cerretano, named after the place of origin (Cerreto Guidi), the pendolino, which takes its name from the typical hanging, or 'pendulous' growth of its branches and lastly the rossellino, so named because of its reddish (rosso) tinge. The other (north-facing) olive grove, which was created in '95, includes the typical Tuscan varieties (or cultivar): moraiolo, frantoio, leccio. In addition to these two large olive groves, many other olive trees can be found around the farm, as in any typical Tuscan landscape. Our olives have been cultivated using the organic method since 2004 and obtained the respective certification in 2007. In spring 2007, we began using the biodynamic agricultural method also for our olive trees.

Key technical data regarding the vineyard
Soil: Loamy, mainly clayey soil
Vines: distance between rows 2.2 m, distance between plants 0.8 m
Plant density: 5600 plants per hectare
Surface area: 2.84 hectares
Average altitude: 60 m.a.s.l.
Crop exposition: South/south-west facing
Average yield per plant: 1.8 kg
Grape variety: 85% Sangiovese
10% Cabernet Sauvignon
5% Merlot

Vinification, ripening and ageing
Alcoholic fermentation and maceration on the grape skins for 16-20 days depending on the fermentation process
Malolactic fermentation and preservation in steel vats
Aged in the bottle for at least 4 months

Key analytical data at bottling stage
Alcoholic strength: 13.5 %
Total dry extract: 30.5 gr/l
Total acidity: 5.9 gr/l
Ph: 3.38
Total sulphur dioxide content: 47 mg/l

Production : 7000 bottles

Brief description
Its name derives from the Greek "Selene", which means "moon" and from the Greek "Gaia", which means "earth". This name launched our first wine obtained using biodynamic principles. "Selengaia" is the result of a natural vinification process, in other words without any added selected or non-selected yeasts and consequently without any added yeast nutrients, or any other substance which, even if admitted in organic vinification, deviates and alters the natural and harmonious formation of wine. Selengaia is a Chianti with a dense, full-bodied, structured colour. It has an impressive taste, above all with hints of red berries and spices, in particular black pepper.

Text on the back label of Selengaia
"...and if plants were
sensitive, intelligent beings,
if they could communicate
with us through emotions,
if simplicity and pureness sufficed
to perceive signs and messages,
if they reacted to care, respect and love
with positive energy and collaboration,
then we would have
done the right thing by trying to create
a healthy environment for them and
a vital harmony, vast enough
to welcome Mankind once more.
Maybe it can be cultivated with the heart.
(That's how Selengaia was created)"

Sergio Falzari

Key technical data regarding the vineyard
Soil: Loamy soil, mainly clay
Vines: distance between rows 2.2 m, distance between plants 0.8 m
Plant density: 5600 plants per hectare
Surface area: 2.84 hectares
Average attitude: 60 a.s.l.m.
Crop exposition: South/south-west facing
Average yield per plant: 1.8 kg
Grape variety:
1/3% Sangiovese
1/3% Cabernet Sauvignon
1/3% Merlot

Vinification, ripening and ageing
Alcoholic fermentation and maceration on the grape skins for 16-20 days depending on the fermentation process
Malolactic fermentation in steel vats.
Ripened in French barriques of first and second use for 12-14 months.
Aged in the bottle for 8 months.

Production: 900 bottles

Brief description
The wine is made according to the same criteria followed for the Chianti "Selengaia".
It maintains the characteristic freshness and elegance of the Sangiovese grape variety, together with the full taste of Cabernet Sauvignon and the subtle, tantalising taste of Merlot.
The scents from the wood are evident and blend well with those of the wine, without ever being overpowering.

Text on the back label of Altrove
"Far, far away, amidst the spires of time,
a secret hiding...enchanted and silent.
An untouched elsewhere,
heathen sacred sites and ancient mysteries.
From the alchemy of a persuasive wine
thought lays its unrest in that elsewhere.
Trembling high above symbols and boundaries."

The work entitled "Altrove" (elsewhere) was written by a contemporary writer, Clementina Brescianino.
The wine "Altrove" was created by brothers Sergio and Roberto Falzari from a desire to unite earth with the plant kingdom.

Like the Chianti "Selengaia" and the vintage wine "Altrove", this table wine is produced using completely natural processes, in other words without the addition of any substance, apart from minimum quantities of potassium metabisulphite, unfortunately still necessary to preserve wine. It has a harmonious, natural, genuine taste, the result of cultivation, vinification and preservation techniques which are totally natural. This wine is available in 5-litre or 10-litre bag in box packaging or in 5-litre bottles, according to preference.
winery vineyard

- Organic pluricultivar oilolive oil, named "Oliveta di Toiano" after the place of origin, is the name given to our oil, made from a blend of all the varieties (pluricultivar) on our farm.
- Organic monocultivar mignolo, with a particular, characteristic taste is the denomination of our oil made from a single variety of olives, the "mignole", and is one of the flavours we wish to introduce to connoisseurs. The monocultivar olive "mignolo" variety is also named "Cerretano". The trees are vigorous and have a broad crown. Its crown is one of the largest in volume amongst the Tuscan genotypes and has the same bushy growth typical of wild olives. Its fruits are long in shape, small and mature progressively. It has a delicate grassy scent with a refined, light taste. In general it is much milder than the Moraiolo, for example, but also than the Frantoio variety; it is suitable for raw food dressings because it does not overpower the food with its own taste. The types of oil we produce are obtained using the cold press method to preserve its organoleptic properties.